Gränserna mellan stillbild och filmfotografi försvinner mer och mer.

De rörliga bilder ger oss i samband med ljud och musik möjligheten att kunna förmedla känslor och olika slags budskap på ett ännu djupare sätt än stillbilder kan. Däremot är det ett unik sätt att frysa ögonblicken bakom kameran under en filminspelning och därför älskar jag att jobba som BTS fotograf – kanske vid din nästa filminspelning?

Se här några av projekten jag har gjort respektive har varit delaktig i som fotograf eller annan position inom filmteamet samt ett axplock av kunder jag har jobbat för.



Since 2022 I have produced a number of films for the Federal State Art Gallery Havremagasinet in Boden to bring their current art exhibitions to a wider audience. Producer: Marcel...

WEIRD ELLIOT – feature film by Johannes Nyholm (HOBAB)

  From august until the middle of november 2024 i have had the honour to be location manager and one of two location scouts in Norrbotten for Johannes Nyholm´s new feature film...

DOCKA – a short by Marcel Köppe

  After almost 2 years of work with the script, preproduction and planing of the shoot in july 2023 i produced and directed my first very own shortfilm DOCKA. More info to come when...

MATHEM – commercial

  November 2023 i was a member of the filmcrew creating a new commercial for MATHEM.  Together with my partner in crime Christian Mård was i once again assistant...

TO COOK A BEAR – Koka björn (DISNEY+ TV show)

  Late summer 2023 i was a member of the swedish filmcrew creating the very first nordic original  TV show for DISNEY+.  Even this time i worked in two different positions -...

TO CARRY ANNE – If u don´t love me (Official Music Video)

On a weekend in september 2022 i was working with a wonderfull young lady and talented artist. To create art together is - for me - the most enjoying way when it comes to teamwork. Thanks to...

FRATRES – Warhammer 30K fan shortfilm

Summer 2021 i made my first own shortfilm together with my son Svjan - Tristan. We wanted to do a live action fanfilm with story from the  Warhammer 30K/Horus heresy ...

FIA – Glorious One (Official Music Video)

In the beginning of January i went on a roadtrip starting from the Baltic sea to the mountains to shoot a music video for FIA´s new single. Together with the support of Stina...

TINOR AB – Commercial/Imagefilm

With this little one my client wanted to show all his clients the new equipment which will do the work. Even this time i made a film for a local business here in my hometown Älvsbyn. Script,...